this is the easiest flower to make (in my opinion) so i wanted to start here! these can also turn into bracelets, but we’re focusing on a boquet this time 🥹 i’m going to be making a series of beaded flower tutorials so stick around for more! #fyp #beadedflower #beadedflowers #tutorial #craft #crafting #DIY #beads #boquetofflowers #art
if you like very structured tutorials this probably isn’t for you lol. i am very much a trial and error type of crafter & i never make any 2 flowers the same. BUT this is the general technique i use for this type of flower!! i firmly believe that crafting is more fun if you experiment so play around with it!!!! #fyp #tutorial #crafting #craft #DIY #beadedflower #beacedflowers #bouquet #craft #crafting #art #beads #beading
i have only made beaded flowers a handful of times & being able to see my progress is SO rewarding. excited to learn more!!!! #fyp #DIY #craft #crafting #beadedflower #beadedflowers #art #progress
there’s been a big learning curve with beaded flowers but i’ve started to loooove making them!!! #flowers #beadedflowers #beads #craft #DIY #art #crafting
this bouquet has been a labor of LOVE & i feel like im learning so much in this process. excited to make new flowers & try new techniques!!!! #flowers #beadedflower #beadedflower #DIY #craft #beading #crafting #fyp #rating #crafts #beads