5 years ago today, during a performance by the Original @The Wiggles at @📍Castle Hill RSL on January 17, one day after turning 48, I dropped dead. Thankfully, bystanders were confident to become responders, and saved my life. Would you know what to do if someone collapsed in front of you because their heart had stopped? Visit @Heart of the Nation Australia to find out how to be better-prepared to save a life! Thank you to Steve Pace, Kim Antonelli, Therese Wales and Grace Jones - I’m forever grateful! 💛 #callpushshock #aedssavelives #ogyellowwiggle
I’m excited to announce that I will be joining the incredibly talented cast of Annie as I make my commercial musical theatre debut in this wonderfully, joyful musical. I am thrilled to be playing the role of US President, Franklin D Roosevelt and I hope that you will be able to come along and join in the nostalgia of this hit musical! #AnnieMusicalAU #Tomorrow #HardKnockLife #AnnieMusical #Annie #MusicalTheatre #Musical #Theatre
I love it, but it’s like another language. The way people combine sounds/songs to create a trend just doesn’t seem to have any logic…but it works!Cab someone educate me on the logic behind the song and the trend? 😂💛 #youresofunny #imsoold
Tell me I’m dreaming but Go, Santa, Go, is a much better song than Go, Captain, Go. Let me know what you think - am i dreaming or not? And don’t let the time of year sway your decision too mich! 😌😂 #ogyellowwiggle #thewiggles #wiggletok