Hate to burst your bubble (or maybe rings in this case? lol) But any device that tells you how many calories you burned during a workout is simply not even close to the truth. (p.s. congrats sam, you killed it this weekend) Devices like the Apple Watch, Whoop, Oura, etc. are great for certain things (e.g. step count, sleep data, recovery) But they suck for figuring out how many calories you burn Yes, the technology in these devices has gotten better since this study came out a few years ago… But the technology isn’t why they’re innacurate Here’s what the calorie tracking device takes into account to give you an estimate of how many calories you burn: - Heart rate - Gender - Weight - Age - Workout type But what it would take to *accurately* estimate how many calories you burn during a workout is all of that, PLUS 100+ other things that these devices can’t take into account… Things like your hormone profile and genetics, to even more ridiculous things like the temperature of the room you’re in or how much sleep you got last night… But that’s okay… Because knowing *exactly* how many calories you burned in one workout doesn’t really matter The amount of calories you burn in your workouts is <5% of what you burn in an entire week So if you’re trying to lose weight, adjusting your calorie intake day by day doesn’t really make any sense And it would make a lot more sense by just paying attention to your calorie intake and comparing it to how your scale is moving over time e.g. if you are eating 2,200 calories consistently, and the scale isn’t moving, then 2,200 is around your maintenence and you should either eat below that or increase how many calories you burn in a day to get into a deficit Study mentioned in reel: PMID: 28538708 #FitTok #GymTok #Running
No, the aspartame in diet coke is not going to kill you😉 If you want an easy way to tell whether nutrition advice is helpful, or complete BS, remember this one principle: The dose makes the poison (for everything) So when someone at the grocery store tells you to avoid certain everyday items because they contain an ingredient you can’t pronounce, they often leave out a key detail: HOW MUCH of that ingredient is actually in the product Because everything… has a safe, and a toxic dose This applies not just to mysterious ingredients, but even to things we consider healthy, like water, vitamins, and minerals. Take water for example: Most people would consider water healthy But how much water matters (i.e. context) One drop won’t do anything for your health One liter per hour for just a single day will leave you in the hospital I know this example is over the top, but it’s to prove a point The dose matters For water, for vitamins, and yes for scary things like aspartame The aspartame argument is funny to me because in order for someone to consume enough to make it dangerous, they would have to overdose on the water inside FAR before it ever gave them a single health problem P.s. I feel like I have to say this because people on social media don’t know how to listen: No, I am not saying water is bad, and I am not saying artificial sweeteners are good. I am just highlighting why people fear mongering random things in the grocery store usually have no reason or evidence to support what they say, they’re just doing it for clicks. Sources/Studies: PMID: 30602577 PMID: 17828671 PMID: 29659969 #aspartame #dietcoke #toxic #health #healthy
Annual scams update 📆 Which one’s did it miss? Comment down below👇🏽 P.S. I have a pinned hightlight on my profile explaining the science of why each one is a scam👍🏼 #GymTok #Fitness #supplements
Do you want to lose weight? Or do you want to lose *fat…? (because there’s a BIG difference…) The biggest one, is that aiming for *weight-loss usually doesn’t last… And that’s the actual goal, isn’t it? 👎🏽 You don’t want to just lose 20lbs (then gain it right back, repeating that cycle every 3 months until you die) 👍🏽 You want to lose 20lbs, and keep that 20lbs off for good so you can move on to bigger and better things (like not-dieting forever) When you aim just weight loss - you usually lose a bit of muscle along the way💪🏽🔻 (no bueno😐) And muscle is your BFF when it comes to keeping your metabolism strong (see how losing that could be an issue?) Yes, focusing on fat-loss takes a little longer… Yes, your diet and exercise might look different than what you’ve tried in the past… But if what you did in the past worked, you wouldn’t be here now, right? #GymTok #FitTok #weightloss
How to fix “skinny-fat” Here’s where most people go wrong: 🚫 Skinny-fat usually doesn’t come from having *too much* body fat… It comes from not having enough lean muscle underneath that fat to give your body any shape or definition So if you keep increasing your cardio… And decreasing how much you eat… You’re only going to get further away from your gaol Instead, try focusing on lifting heavy weights 3-5x per week (It won’t make you bulky, I promise) And instead of eating LESS and LESS, try eating MORE, of the right foods - especially when it comes to protein (so your body has what it needs to build lean muscle after your workouts) I have a free calorie and protein calculator in my bio if you want to find out an accurate estimate for where you should probably be👍🏽 But remember, every human body is different So the exact solution for you might need some tweaks, but this should get you going in the right direction SIDE NOTE: There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the way “skinny-fat” looks. How someone looks isn’t good or bad, this video is just here to help people that want to change their physique when they are faced with this problem #skinnyfat #FitTok #GymTok
Sitting is the new smoking? What if it’s worse…😳 A semi-recent paper was published looking at the relationship between daily step counts and all-cause mortality (aka, death from all causes) to shed some light on it. They found that for every extra 1,000 steps someone took, that their risk of all-cause mortality went down by about 12% Which is NUTS 🌰 But you wanna know what’s even MORE nuts? (🌰X10?!) The fact that when you compare the most active and the least active groups, walking 16,000 steps per day was associated with a 66% reduction in all-cause mortality compared to walking just 2,700 steps per day. Or said in reverse… That walking the fewest steps per day was associated with a ~200% (3X) greater risk of all-cause mortality than walking the highest step count per day. When you compare that to the risk of smoking? Smoking about a pack a day only increases all-cause mortality rates by anywhere from 70-80%, up to 150% depending on what data you look at, or around 2X No, the point of this isn’t to downplay smoking It will kill you But why does not moving all day/living a sedentary lifestyle not get the same attention? I was put down this rabbit hole by an awesome monthly research review I subscribe to (MASS) and highly recommend for anyone in the industry looking to stay on top of the latest trends and emerging research 🔬 Step Count Research: - PMID: 34417979 Smoking Research: * PMID: 23343064 * PMID: 27974034 * PMID: 18460664 * PMID: 10218754 * PMID: 33745522 #FitTok #GymTok #Fitness #healthy
WHY FITNESS REALLY MATTERS Fun Fact: One of the TOP reasons people get checked into assisted living when they’re older, is because they can’t get off the toilet by themselves, so they need help. In other words: They don’t have the lower body strength and mobility to do 1 half rep of a body weight squat to get off the toilet 🚽 I’m not saying that the only metric that matters is whether or not someone lives in assisted living But I think it’s pretty indicative of someone’s quality of life If two people live to be 80 years old… But one person spends the last 10 years in assisted living While the other is out in the world exploring, not limited by their body I would say that’s two completely different lifetimes So if you don’t workout because you don’t care about aestetics, cool But at least do it for this Original paper: PMID: 22030953 DOI: 10.3810/psm.2011.09.1933
Not quite how your metabolism works… (thank f****** god) First off though, I gotta give the first dude props… There’s zero chance I could do that 😂 - and it was a cool video idea BUT, thinking like that is a slipper slope - because a lot of people do see it like that (i.e. that you have to “earn” the food you eat with exercise) And lucky for us, that’s not how our bodies work If you had to exercise to burn off every calorie you put in your mouth, you’d be on the treadmill almost all day Because even if you put WORK in at the gym, it still only accounts for the smallest portion of where you burn calories in a day Instead, look at increasing the bigger pieces of that puzzle Like eating more protein, which burns 3-10X more calories being digested than carbs or fats do By moving more and increasing your NEAT, which can burn up to 2,000 EXTRA CALORIES PER DAY - by setting a higher step count goal or standing instead of sitting at work Or by building your BMR up over time by focusing on building lean muscle, managing your sleep and stress, and getting enough of the important micronutrients through food to make sure your body is running well Bottom line is - you don’t have to “earn” the food you eat Studies: NEAT burning up to +2,000 calories per day : PMID: 25905303 PMID: 9880251
No, your metabolism doesn’t slow down as you get older 👵🏼🥲 (at least, not as soon as you’d think…) Researchers from Duke University put together one of the biggest studies on human metabolism ever done 🔥📊 And what they found shocked almost everybody 😮 That yes, your metabolism does slow down after a certain age… But that that age is a lot older than most people had thought? They found that dependent on lean mass, that your metabolism doesn’t start to slow down until after you turn 60 years old… But from 20 years old until then, it basically stayed the same This IS NOT saying that losing weight is just as easy at any age… It’s not But it’s pointing out the reason why That it’s not because of some unavoidable event that happened once you got a job or started a family… It’s because your habits changed To keep your metabolism high, or build it back up, you don’t need to defy biology You need the *right* basic habits in place Lift heavy weights and eat a high protein diet to preserve and build muscle mass Move as much as you can outside of the gym, like by adding walks through your day And don’t ignore the big one’s, your sleep and stess Do the simple things consistently well, and you’d be shocked at how far it gets you Great OG post by @Payton STUDY: Daily Energy Expenditure Through The Human Life Course https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abe5017
PSA - EVERYTHING IS MADE OF CHEMICALS. THATS HOW THE UNIVERSE WORKS BRO 🧬 You, me, a banana, even the AIR - all just a different combination of chemicals hanging out So saying “it has chemicals” as the only reason you see something unhealthy… Is like saying “this book has words, so it must have dangerous ideas” It’s a meaninless statement… 👻 The truth? Sugar free energy drinks aren’t the healthiest thing for you. But they’re not that scary either. They’re mostly just a mix of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, a small amount of artificial sweetener, and caffeine. And at the doses found in 1 energy drink, none of those are even remotely bad for you. Caffeine is really the only one you need to keep an eye on, especially if you have pre existing heart conditions, are pregnant, or are sensitive to stimulants. Health is LESS about what “scary-sounding ingredients” to avoid (because some stranger on social media flunked chemistry class) And MORE about asking things like: 👉🏼 What am I actually getting from this? 👉🏼 Does this support my body with vitamins, minerals, or nutrients? 👉🏼 Or is it just filling space without moving me toward my goals? Energy drinks aren’t the enemy. Bad nutrition advice is. P.S. no, this is not me saying energy drinks are healthier for you than banana’s, they aren’t. It’s just highlighting a common flaw in thinking I see on social media. #energydrink #celcius #FitTok #GymTok #preworkout
High PROTEIN Costco Haul👊🏼 Low calorie and high protein costco finds to make meal prep and snacks easy to make💪🏽 Note: These are some creative muscle-friendly protein options to add onto a mostly whole food diet to make hitting a high protein goal a little bit easier (and more tasty) Other diet-staples I get from costco that didn’t make the video: - 95% lean beef (95% lean isn’t available on the floor, you just ask the guys in the back) - Alaska wild salmon - Chicken breasts - Whole eggs & egg whites - Frozen berries - 2-3 different fresh fruits (depends on what I’m craving that week) - Fresh sourdough bread #costco #costcofinds #protein #lowcaloriemeals #mealprep