I hope Kayla has a wonderful wedding!! And I think Callie could learn to just be a little kinder. #wedding #weddingdrama #registry #weddingregistry #bride #bridetobe
This is a peaceful call to action. Our goal is to advocate for change and accountability through lawful, constructive means! And THANK YOU for signing my petition!! #tomcotton #tiktokban #savetiktok (this video is original content, this is my petition I started and I give commentary in the entire video)
I can’t believe how this situation is being handled! For educational and research purposes. #zacharysdaiquiris #republicgardenandlounge #levabonaparte #charleston
What’s up with this Blumin Apparel? Kali rose botique and every other company that’s been effected needs to be compensated immediately. #kaliroseboutique #bluminapparel #lawsuit
#ad I bought every jar I’ve ever had with my own money!! This stuff is legit!!!and it’s always sold out 😭😭@Nerdy Nuts Shop #nerdynuts #cashewbutter #peanutbutter #bestthingever
Please learn the laws!!! Whether it’s to help with your own job or to educate others!! This is unacceptable!! @mom.2.five.dogs #servicedog #ada #serviceanimal #ohio #springfieldohio #skatingrink