Touching your clients has a time and place… It’s called kinaesthetic cueing and is the most effective way to get an athlete or client to learn… BUTTTTTT This is SO unnecessary and SO unprofessional. What are we doing here people?!? Visual and verbal cueing should be very sharp tools in your coaching belt. Verbal cueing is the least effective but my first option (still a great option) Visual cueing is my second line of defense and generally more effective than verbal cueing (in a lot of scenarios) Then if all else fails I’ll be like For God’s Sake Do It Like THIS!! And use kinaesthetic cueing. But spotting depth is literally the easiest thing on the planet so just use verbal cueing ffs *Pro Tip* if you’re a dude coaching ladies get amazingly good at verbal communication #squatdepth #squatcues #squatcoaching #squat #coach #strength #power #legs