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Nuevos vídeos27
Nuevos seguidores6.65K
Nuevas vistas8.92M
Me gusta nuevos1.08M
Reseñas nuevas4.23K
Compartir nuevo386.07K
MyLittleRussianLady  Tendencia de datos (30 dias)
MyLittleRussianLady Análisis estadístico (30 dias)
Vistas promedio 8.92M Seguidores / Puntos de vista 0.07% -
Me gusta promedio 37.92K Gustos / Puntos de vista 16.61% -
Reseñas promedio 125 Reseñas / Puntos de vista 0.05% -
Participación promedio 12.88K Cuota / Puntos de vista 4.33%
MyLittleRussianLady Videos calientes
Waiting on @Netflix to cast Ora and Sabin in the new live action My Hero Academia
Replying to @Juan A Adding weapons to random animals part 7
I don’t think I ever fully appreciated how insane Esper was. This was an every week, almost every other day occurrence. So much wind magic. I’ve been going back through all my old videos for our Substack (I’m posting ALL OUR VIDEOS there again, annotating about the experiences) and I never realized just how many HOURS of spin videos I have saved lol.
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