Let’s celebrate the return of TikTok in US by watching two of my favorite gals take down Bell, the two-toed tiny rooster 😌 - - - #helpisontheway #coopconfessions #belltherooster #bell #babybell #probsbitching #fyp #funny #comedy #laugh #share #havefun #smile #storytime #storytelling #story #animals #farm #farmlife #chicken #chickens #rooster #funnyanimals #chickens #chickensoftiktok #chickentok
Final throwback (I think). Since this video, they’ve got a whole new coop, a run, and plenty more. Normally, if there are babies that small outside, I’m supervising the whole thing. In this case, I needed to run my mother somewhere quickly for some personal medical supplies. She was in town for the week & had run out of them. We had never lost a bird to any predators & the dogs had been around which usually helps to deter anything. So- before there is any judgement, know this is not a normal situation but nonetheless more precautions have been taken since. - - - #ethel #etheltok #ethelthechicken #motherhood #motherhoodjourney #chicken #chickens #chickensoftiktok #fyp #sad #interesting #education #educational #learn #farmanimals #farm #share #cuteanimals #broody #broodyhen #hatching #hatchingeggs #hatchday #incubator #chickentok #share #like #comment #probsbitching #learnfromme
How is this the same blurb that needs to be under a blanket indoors 90% of the time? - - - #merle #muriel #winterstorm #storm #coopconfessions #belltherooster #bell #babybell #probsbitching #fyp #funny #comedy #laugh #share #havefun #smile #storytime #storytelling #story #animals #farm #farmlife #chicken #chickens #rooster #funnyanimals #chickens #chickensoftiktok #chickentok #joke #probsbitching #ethelthechicken #raisingchickens
A few things… This was almost 10pm (they normally lay morning/ early afternoon), she hadn’t been laying for awhile (they normally stop/slow production in winter), she had been grumbling at the view of other chickens for 10+ minutes, and I thought she stood because I was reaching under her. A long list of coincidences to not realize she was laying an egg… whoops 🙃 - - - #eth#ethelh#etheltokh#ethelthechickent#motherhoodt#motherhoodjourneyi#chickeni#chickensi#chickensoftiktokp#fypt#cuted#sadt#interestingu#educationu#educationala#learnr#farmanimalsr#farma#sharet#cuteanimalso#broodyo#broodyhent#hatchingt#hatchingeggst#hatchdaync#incubatori#chickentoka#sharek#likem#commentk#jokem#comedyu#laughobsbitching #layinghens
Chunklet yanked it out of my hand when I took it off her - - - #chunklet #chickentutu #tutu #coopconfessions #belltherooster #bell #babybell #probsbitching #fyp #funny #comedy #laugh #share #havefun #smile #storytime #storytelling #story #animals #farm #farmlife #chicken #chickens #rooster #funnyanimals #chickens #chickensoftiktok #chickentok #joke #raisingchickens
This was NOT an easy decision by any means. The most important part of this choice was ensuring everyone’s quality of life. Our hens don’t deserve to live in fear or stress of the other birds in their coop. As for the ones we are rehoming, it will be better for them as well to be somewhere they have more space and don’t feel the need to act out aggressively. Their new owners were very sweet and excited to get them. The guy raises his own flock & sells hatching eggs. Butter will have a whole flock of ladies to impress & will NOT end up in the ‘boys only bin’ 💀 I hope you can understand why we had to make this choice 🫶🏼 - - - #ethel #etheltok #ethelthechicken #motherhood #motherhoodjourney #chicken #chickens #chickensoftiktok #fyp #cute #sad #interesting #education #educational #learn #farmanimals #farm #share #cuteanimals #broody #broodyhen #hatching #hatchingeggs #hatchday #incubator #chickentok #share #probsbitching